Welcome to Joey’s Beach Volleyball Academy!


Whether you're a beginner learning the fundamentals or an experienced player seeking advanced techniques, our experienced coaches are committed to your progress. We combine expert instruction with a love for the sport, creating a positive and empowering atmosphere where you can thrive.

Training Sessions

JBVA's training sessions are designed to cater to players of all skill levels, ensuring that each individual receives focused and personalized instruction. We prioritize building a strong foundation by emphasizing fundamental skills and techniques. Additionally, we go beyond the basics by delving into game strategy, equipping players with the knowledge and tactics necessary to excel on the court. Our sessions also incorporate match play, allowing players to apply their skills in realistic game scenarios.


JBVA tournaments offer exciting opportunities for players of all ages and skill levels. Our junior events are officially sanctioned by AVP America and feature age divisions for both boys and girls, providing a competitive platform for young athletes to showcase their talent. Our adult tournaments are open to all, fostering a diverse and inclusive atmosphere. JBVA tournaments provide the perfect setting to challenge yourself and connect with fellow beach volleyball enthusiasts.


JBVA skills clinics offer a unique opportunity to learn from the best in the sport. We bring in local beach volleyball legends and esteemed AVP professionals, such as Chase Frishman, to lead these specialized clinics. With their expertise, they provide valuable insights and training methods that can take your game to the next level. Our JBVA skills clinics are designed to inspire, challenge, and elevate your performance on the sand.

We have two goals here at JBVA.

  1. Spread our passion for beach volleyball.

  2. Help you reach your goals.  

So, let’s get started.

  • I highly encourage anyone, no matter the skill level, to enroll in JBVA and be a part of a team that keeps getting bigger and stronger

    Luke B.

  • Joey is one of the greatest coaches i’ve had in my career. He is innovative, inclusive, patient, and so much fun!

    Grace P.